Title: Popsicle Daze Author: ibonekoen Pairing: Infinity Williams/Cory Theodoric Fandom: Original Rating: Strong R for sexual situations Theme: 27. icy touch Claimer: These kids are mine. Their faces aren't, but their names and personalities are, as well as the situations. Please don't steal. Thanks!
Title: Boom Author: fullmetal_cute Pairing: Tommy Shepard/Nico Minoru Fandom: Young Avengers/Runaways Theme: 27. Icy Touch Disclaimer: I own NOTHING! Rating: G Summary: Something blows up. Things tend to do that around these two.
Title: Deformed Rabbit Author: dorksidefiker / fullmetal_cute Pairing: Billy/Teddy Fandom: Young Avengers Theme: 24. In the Dark; Shadows on the Wall Disclaimer: I don't own them.
Title: Standing On the Balcony Author: princeivy Pairing: Belle x Beast Fandom: Beauty & the Beast Theme: #27 - Icy Touch & #12 - Moonlit Sky Disclaimer: Belle, Beast, and any other characters I use belong to Disney, not me.